þriðjudagur, 6. maí 2014

Maori Hangi

One interesting thing  I found when I was doing some research is the Maori hangi.

Maori hangi is a tradition where they cook the food underground, using heated rocks in a pit oven. This method for cooking is usually used for special occasions to share with friends and family. It’s also a great way to interact with the maori culture!
This method has been used for over two thousand years. Maoris ancestors heated stones and placed meat on top with some vegetation on top of that and then left it to cook.  Then through the years and experience they found the best cooking method. That cooking method has not changed since.
Chicken, fish and root vegetables was usually the food that was used in hangi. But now they also use pork, mutton or lamb, pumpkin, potato and cabbage.
The food is put in some wire baskets and then put in a pit with some heated rocks. Then the food is covered with wet cloths and some earth. The food is in the ground for around 3 to 4 hours and then it’s ready.
If you are interested and want to learn more, I found some website where you can find out how to do a hangi  from step to step here 
And here I found some video how to do a maori hangi 

- Þórey 

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