þriðjudagur, 6. maí 2014


So I did a little research on Canadian food. In my research about Canadian food I found out that Canada's food is very influenced by the British - Scottish and the French and it is very different between where in Canada you are located. It is most likely that the relation to British - Scottish food culture is from back in the days when Canada was a British colony. Also there are links between food in the United States and in Canada, probably because those two countries locations.
The things that are called typical Canadian things are often not just Canadian because the ingredients come from other countries – the recipe is just Canadian. Some people even say that the Canadian cuisine is not a Canadian one, they say it is just cuisines taken from many other countries. The Canadian cuisine is very international and many of the most popular dishes come from other countries. That is because of how many people from other countries live their. Chinese-, Italian-, Indianfood and more are examples of popular food in Canada. 


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