þriðjudagur, 6. maí 2014

Food Culture in New Zealand

Hello there!
I’m doing some research on food culture in New Zealand and I will be sharing some interesting stuff here. This is my first post and  I’ll be telling you something about the food culture in New Zealand. I hope you’ll like it!
The food culture in New Zealand is very interesting, it appears that their food culture consists mainly of seafood and meat. New Zealand is surrounded by sea so it isn’t surprising that seafood is common but examples of common species in New Zealand are greenshell mussel, black oreo and albacore tuna. But you can get more information about the seafood here.Meat is also part of the food culture in New Zealand, as I said earlier, but New Zealand is a  nation of keen farmers. There is a lot of sheeps in New Zealand so they are famous for their lamb. They  are also famous for their beef but not as much they are for their lamb. The lamb is also their favourite.
Kiwis love sweets or lollies like they call it.  They love  good ice cream but Hokey pokey creamy vanilla ice cream strewn with pieces of honeycomb is a kiwi favourite. I also found out that they like minties, which is like a hard -white -chewy -mint-flavoured sweet, and pineapple lumps that’s sort of like a chocolate coated pineapple flavoured toffee I think. Of course there are lots of other sorts of lollies and I have to mention the pavlova, a kiwi favourite, which is a meringue- based dessert. I’m not sure  if they call that lolly but it’s definitely in their food culture.
Now I’ve  told you a little bit  about the food culture and I hope you learned something from it, at least I’ve learned that they love seafood, lamb and lollies.
In the following posts I’ll be telling you more about food and interesting stuff so keep on reading!

- Þórey


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