þriðjudagur, 6. maí 2014

Meals of the day - Canada

People in Canada eat breakfast before 12 o'clock in the morning. The Canadians prefer eggs, bacon and pancakes for breakfast. Maybe they would do mapled syrup glazed bacon but then they put maple syrup on the bacon and bake it in the oven.Toasts with peanut butter and jelly are also quite popular and cereal too.
Many people drink either tea or coffee with their breakfast.Water, milk and juices are the most popular drinks for children. 

The Canadian people eat lunch somewhere between 11am and 3pm. Sandwiches are popular as lunch in the work week and children usually take them to school. Salads, soups, tacos, pizzas and burritos are also quite popular as lunch.

Dinner is eaten somewhere between 5pm and 9pm. For dinner Canadian people often eat meat or fish dishes. All sorts of salads and vegetables are also eaten for dinner. The Canadians drink water, sodas or wine with their dinners. 



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